Blog Archives

Truth or Secret!

As a blogger I am fortunate to have a number of folks’ who talk to me about what I write. This is one of their stories.

This blog may well reach out to many of us who have had those moments when we had to decide Truth or Secret. This may be YOUR STORY TOO…

  • Which can you cope with?
  • What do you REALLY want to KNOW?
  • If we knew could we ever FORGET?
  • If we knew could we ever FORGIVE?
  • Would it make us STRONGER?
  • Would it make us WEAKER?
  • Would it destroy who we ARE?
  • Would it define our CHARCTER for BETTER or WORSE?

Life has given all of us this CROSS ROAD and yet many of us HIDE truth and SECRET away for it is easier not to DEAL with REALITY.

Sometimes, we believe that not knowing is better than dealing with the the REALITY of TRUTH.

And yet…… those who don’t want to know will always remember… LINGERING DOUBTS LAST A LIFE TIME….

Do we REALLY believe that not KNOWING is the coping mechanism of LIFE?

Sometimes TRUTH is to damn HARD to cope with and too HURTFUL that we may never RETURN to who we ARE.

Sometimes the SECRET we keep is all the TRUTH we need and KNOW that the TWISTS and BENDS of life MAKES us WHO WE ARE!

The TRUTH is we all HAVE SECRETS the question is has HOW DID IT MAKE US BETTER PEOPLE…. Did it BUILD us or DIMINISH us?

Dedicated to all those who went through that dark tunnel! Thanks for sharing the journey.

The Leadership Voice


unleash-your-voice-the-storytellers-manifesto-by-Jeanette-LeBlancWhen leaders produce positive energy: They create rainbows, sunshine and an environment where golden innovative ideas and effective and lasting relationships are born and nurtured.

  • Leaders create a symphony for followers to each play a role that matters.
  • Leaders give blessings and know that positive recognition is fundamental to the soul.
  • Leaders understand and ask how can I serve you to help develop the best version of you.
  • Leaders understand they do not do it for themselves.
  • Leaders understand that their role is to teach, coach words that turn words into enabling powerful thoughts and actions.
  • Leaders create an inspirational powerful story that ignites imagination.

Leaders understand that they are powerful storytellers that change the world and that their voice is only one!


Hrmexplorer January 2016

Picture courtesy of The storytellers manifesto by Jeanette LeBlanc

My 2015 Leadership prayer – The Leader in me!

The Leader in Me!

  • I do this not for my glory but for yours.
  • I don’t do this to get attention I come here to give it.
  • I don’t say one thing and then do another.
  • I have come here to give you my permission to use my authority, not to have authority over you.
  • I pray that I can always give of my best so that I can develop the best out of others.
  • I understand that I cannot do it on my own and must seek leaders who lead with heart.
  • I understand it is not the skills I have but my character that will leave my legacy.
  • I understand that the leadership code demands that I develop other leaders.
  • I acknowledge that my leadership journey will be my Dash in life.
  • I understand that my journey will not be easy and I will look to a higher inspiration to give me strength when I become weak.
  • Please give me the courage and the heart to always know that in serving others I become a real leader and remember that is what a leader does!


HRMexplorer –  December 2014

The leader in me grows because I nurtured the leader in you!

Will being at your desk make Yahoo successful?

yahooimageThe recent events at Yahoo make you think about how we react to our employees and what we think will motivate them.

What does it tell you about their employment brand? How will they ever be a successful long-term global company when they cannot manage their people or have effective communication that delivers both performance and trusting?

It is not helpful when the CEO can build a nursery next to her office and employees have to be “strapped” to their desks.

What human resource policy thought that will ever work?

Will being at a desk make any difference if people simply are already checked out?

I am reminded about the “Zeno” corporation and how they handled their employees. Vey differently. Their values included and encouraged work –life balance. They knew that was as important as promoting hard work and continued success.

Isn’t it a fact that great leaders think about their people as people as much as what productivity they can give?

Tying people to a desk will never achieve enlightenment. That is only achieved through inspirational, trusting and caring leadership.

There will always be people who don’t give a damn, that’s the ones that we all need to get off the bus.

There are many corporations who have offices across the world. What are we to do with all of them?

This is an era of virtual business. Creating trusting relationship through inspirational leadership drives both performance and followership.

Our leadership practices and style will determine who is with us.

Lets not make it a policy to deliver misery for all because of the few.

A Commitment to Heart and Soul Health and Leadership in 2012

Be inspired to see what you can do better

Be inspired to be the best you can be

Be inspired to do no harm to others

Be inspired to have emotions and think heart as well as brain

Be inspired to have the courage to be who you are and then:

You will live a better life for yourself and in turn others

You will live a life of contentment and meaning

You will become a giver to others whoever they are and whatever they do

You will open your heart and soul and in turn your creativity

You will generate energy rather then take it away

You will create a healthy community around what you do

You will develop and build rather then destroy

You will not fear life you will breathe the possible

You will have no need for ego for you will be content with who you are and what you do.

In a year when there will be many opportunities and challenges, the way you face those will be how you determine whether you face them with fear or faith.

Whether you will fulfill your commitment, and whether you will live your purpose of heart and soul.

So develop the best version of who you are.

Go further… go beyond imagination and create something you could never have imagined. Go to a place of self-enlightenment and there you will find your gifts.

Take those gifts and build healthier workplaces and communities; serve others and create an environment of belief, positive energy and confidence.

The best gift you can give to yourself and others is “Heart and Soul Health and Leadership!”

Do all these things and you will have done much to change you and the world around you.

HRMexplorer and Sister Mai I



Rezepte und Gesundheit

The Contrarian Emergency Manager

News, concepts, and opinions on emergency management and homeland security topics

Sara Rickover, Behind the Corporate Veil

A blog about management, law, mediation and writing, by someone who has done them all

Northeastern Pennsylvania Veterans Multicare Alliance

Serving those who served in Northeastern PA


I've decided to pursue my passion in jewellery designs since I love femininity and all things beautiful and sparkly, well almost all. I'm a proud mother to two gorgeous and amazing girls. I recently left the corporate world, went through a tragic loss and relationship breakdown yet I'm here alive and still very much wanting to pursue my dreams and maintain a state of happiness. This site opens up a new world for me to share and if I'm really privileged connect with with others. News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.

The Organic Leadership Blog

Thoughts During My Leadership Journey


Technology business matchmaking

The Whiteboard

New Zealand Recruitment Industry news, views and commentary from Rice Consulting

The Recruiters Little Black Book

News and views from the world of employment

HR Schoolhouse

Time to take your desks; school is in session

Recruiter's Couch

Because everyone is a candidate sometime


Inspiring Leaders to empower others

Engage Yourself with