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Character always trumps qualifications and experience

When you have character that cares it inspires others

When you have character that gives to others it has no need for ego

When you have character that always gives its best it gives everything

When you have character you build culture

When you have character you develop people

When you have character you can change the world


Leaders build and develop character for they know the path

Life Advice: Thoughts and Resolutions for 2013!

holiday 2013Good or bad, every experience is a learning opportunity.

Work hard, be committed, be resourceful, do your research, and exercise patience.

Get a good education, pay attention to the details; think through a situation and visualize to the end so you can be prepared to change course as needed.

Be honest, responsible and have a good work ethic.

Think about others’ perceptions, not just your own in all situations.

Learn to take the good with the bad!

Possess self-discipline, and generosity, and never miss an opportunity to learn.  You can always learn!

Make goals, volunteer, and never give up.

Learn to balance home, family, friends and work.  

Always ask for more that you can do, and be grateful for less.

Think big, but be happy for the little things.

“Life is a stage”, and you are dressed for the rehearsal, now you must add your energy, passion, knowledge and courage to be successful.

If ever a door closes another door is available to you that will open.

As long as you are doing good things along the way, and have the courage to open doors, you will be successful.

Live and walk by faith! 

dlanc and HRMexplorer 2012

Image courtesy of  the year 2013 written on a sandy beach.


Curiosity killed the cat but made a GREAT leader

There is a fundamental logic to this being THE most fundamental of core leadership competences.

Without it there is:

  1. No desire to learn
  2. No desire to do anything new
  3. No desire to do anything different
  4. No desire to wanna be…
  5. NO desire…..

The list goes on and you can add much more.

The problem also is that much of life depends on the need to have a mind that wants to know more not less. To create more to be more. I have never met anyone who in every way of their being wanted to stay where they are. There is always something.

A GREAT leader I have found needs more than anything to want to know the what, how and the when, and in doing so they know that they need more than themselves to achieve and deliver.

Curiosity without the “doing” simply gives learning.

Doing without “learning” makes for more of the same.

“More of the same” defines a life that does not teach.

“Lack of teaching” creates a long life of sameness.

“Sameness” is not what we want for our children.

We all want the very best for our loved ones.

There are those who simply want to be who they are no more, no less. That is ok for them.

Everyone has something to offer, GREAT Leaders continue to develop everything and everyone around them continually and always.

GREAT leaders know it is their mission to develop and create, nurture and flourish, develop and ignite passion.

GREAT leaders understand that developing the mind and soul and heart is what they need to do.

Is that not the gift we were all given? Is that not the gift we cannot waste?

People are too important…..  GREAT Leaders know this



Rezepte und Gesundheit

The Contrarian Emergency Manager

News, concepts, and opinions on emergency management and homeland security topics

Sara Rickover, Behind the Corporate Veil

A blog about management, law, mediation and writing, by someone who has done them all

Northeastern Pennsylvania Veterans Multicare Alliance

Serving those who served in Northeastern PA


I've decided to pursue my passion in jewellery designs since I love femininity and all things beautiful and sparkly, well almost all. I'm a proud mother to two gorgeous and amazing girls. I recently left the corporate world, went through a tragic loss and relationship breakdown yet I'm here alive and still very much wanting to pursue my dreams and maintain a state of happiness. This site opens up a new world for me to share and if I'm really privileged connect with with others. News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.

The Organic Leadership Blog

Thoughts During My Leadership Journey


Technology business matchmaking

The Whiteboard

New Zealand Recruitment Industry news, views and commentary from Rice Consulting

The Recruiters Little Black Book

News and views from the world of employment

HR Schoolhouse

Time to take your desks; school is in session

Recruiter's Couch

Because everyone is a candidate sometime


Inspiring Leaders to empower others

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