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A scorecard for life and work!


Many conversations start with a question!
How are you? How have you been? What have you been up to? And so on.

How did you feel when you were asked the questions? Did you feel like Oh Jeeze no!

We have all been there particularly when things have not been going so well. We have all had those moments…some moments lasting longer than others..

How do those moments change us? Have we become more than one person?
Different with different people…

I come across many people who tell me they are different people when they are at home than when they are at work.

Its not surprising to hear this I hear you say. Many of us show up differently given different circumstances.

The problem is who are we really?

The Questions of Faith and Fear

How do we show up each day?
What do we want to show and importantly what do we want to hide?
What do we want people to think of us?
What are we afraid of if we really show who we are?

Scorecards are life cards!

The thing is from the moment we were born we had a scorecard…how heavy, how long. What color eyes…… and so on.

It continued through infancy through to schools and sports, what were we good at what did we suck at!!

Remember first impressions and lasting impressions?

Life is a scorecard and yet when we get to work we are often different, we give lesser of ourselves and to our co-workers in many cases much less and yet…..

Work and Life
Productivity -Be the best you can be
Attendance -Be punctual when meeting friends
Quality -Be present and attentive
Safety -Do no harm to others – build relationships
Discipline -Fairness and honesty – Always

You see the thing is that each defines you and they cannot be separated:

Your Character
Your Curiosity
Your Courage

Are all ONE and the only thing you have to decide is whether faith of fear separates the REAL you from showing up.

HRMexplorer November 1st 2014
Picture courtesy of

Is life a series of auto corrects?

autocorrectimageWas sitting sipping coffee with my lady wife this morning. It’s a cold and autumnal Sunday fall morning here in Michigan.

She was reading out the hilarious and embarrassing quotes from folks regarding their text messages.

There were screamers indeed. We have all been there, when the auto correct decides to say something we never meant to say, we blame it on sticky fingers, doing things too fast and not looking before we plunge the send button.

It’s a reminder that we can also laugh out ourselves, not taking things so seriously and simply having fun.

Life is full of unexpected surprises and the need to reflect and say its ok when we do the silliest of things makes us as much of who we are then the professionals we are.

Life is fun and let’s keeps it that way.

Inspired by my beautiful lady Doreen.

Beware: Ideas are not welcomed here!

Are you and your organization being held back?

Are your co-workers saying,  “Don’t rock the boat. Don’t bring your new ideas here they are not welcome!”

To often it is the co-workers that don’t want to change, learn or thinking forward! And it is often contagious! And it is allowed to continue.

A Business Health Warning!

Who do these “unchange agents represent”? Are they representing the organization or themselves? Statistics show that they are a pretty big minority but their influence kills organizations and they “outperform” those who are truly engaged.

The negative few overcome and outperform the positive majority!

If you don’t do anything about it your organization is not going to last very long!  The “good” will leave and the “bad” will prevail.

Unfortunately there are too many folks who are stuck in “yesterday” and too many organizations that are not prepared to move the “jelly”. Too much “wobble” and not enough moving off the plate (bus).

Creativity to do something different, to move the organization forward, takes courage. It takes very little to say it has always been like that here and (this new stuff) will not work!

I often see the entitlement that people feel they have of having worked somewhere for a long time.  I too often see lack of leadership or management.

The organization allows them the privilege to put down those folks with new ideas AND get away with it.

That’s when privilege becomes an entitlement and the entitlement starts to kill the very hand that feeds them.

Remaining spectacular with ideas brings value to you and the organization.

There are too many Naysayers in every organization who want to tell you what you cannot do.

It is time for every organization to look at those who they employ and who actively work against what the company needs to do to be competitive.   Move them out! You will save millions of dollars and save your company.

Blog By:

Peter Lanc (HRMexplorer) Human Resources Executive delivering bottom line results through people strategies. Architect of Business and People strategies.

Peter is available for consultations and where profits need to be achieved.


Talent is Artistry!

Talent is the source of creativity

Creativity produces Design

Design produces great Product

Product that needs to be shipped

Products that no one knew they wanted but when they see it they cannot live without it

Talent drives strategy

Strategy drives organizational positioning

Organizational positioning defines marketplace

Marketplace identifies customers

“Exquisite Customer imagination satisfaction” derives a platform for future creativity

Creativity demands that employees are artistes

The ONLY role of a LEADER is to develop and nurture the artist!


The 4 Stages of Leadership – The Path to Recovery!

The 4 Stages of Leadership – The Path to Recovery!.


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I've decided to pursue my passion in jewellery designs since I love femininity and all things beautiful and sparkly, well almost all. I'm a proud mother to two gorgeous and amazing girls. I recently left the corporate world, went through a tragic loss and relationship breakdown yet I'm here alive and still very much wanting to pursue my dreams and maintain a state of happiness. This site opens up a new world for me to share and if I'm really privileged connect with with others. News

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