Blog Archives

Rainbows or Dark Clouds

I am a great reader, it calms me from a hectic day and takes me into a different space.

I read often and sometimes a few different books at the same time!

When I read I listen to my albums, I not only love reading but I love my music. As a baby boomer I love the plethora of different sounds that the 60’s and 70’s bands and singers brought to the world.

I doodle as I read and drift into another world. One that refreshes the soul.

One that encourages the mind to drift and ideas to be released.

So as I write this blog these words are for you and me.

Breathe them, exhale them they are yours, the feelings they give, and move to your place within these words.

When people say nice things – Rainbows and sunshine appear and summer is here.

Golden days are upon us and bathes our souls with warmth.

When people are nasty and unkind – Storm clouds are overhead the dark soul days appear.

Move away.

 When you listen to music and think of children growing up innocent and playing sometimes that where we long to stay.

 But life’s journey moves us along its pathways.


Know that the way we are in our path of life is ours to choose and what we keep and what we give are either rainbows or dark clouds.

What we give or keep defines the soul.

When we are long gone how will we be remembered… the giver of rainbows or dark clouds. How will we be remembered…….

What if life had a roll over plan, how would you use those extra minutes?

2015-02-08 10.55.37All the commercials about cell phone roll over plans. Rolling over the minutes we did not use last month!

What if life were like?

If we had the possibility of having such a life plan what would you do with your extra minutes?

Minutes that today are gone and just memories? Minutes that we have wasted and we wish we could have all over?

  • More time with the family – less time at work.
  • Repairing memories and doing the real stuff. The stuff that creates friendships.
  • Turning around regrets that only extra time can heal.
  • Volunteering your time to others – giving others some of our extra time.
  • Giving your extra minutes to a dying friend.

Make Life worth it!

Character always trumps qualifications and experience

When you have character that cares it inspires others

When you have character that gives to others it has no need for ego

When you have character that always gives its best it gives everything

When you have character you build culture

When you have character you develop people

When you have character you can change the world


Leaders build and develop character for they know the path

7 Churches on 7 Sundays! – The Responsibilities of Servant Leadership.

At  Church, Sunday we met the pastor who had just returned from a seven week sabbatical. You see he had felt  “burned out” from years of servant leadership. It’s both a love a calling and a heavy responsibility.

He said something that really caught my attention. He said:


“What do you do when you no longer like what you love?”

He had many words of wisdom that apply to all of us in our daily work whatever we do.

We all need to reawaken and rekindle the spirit that brought us to our calling.

I thought wow! That’s incredibly touching and I bet many of us feel like that from time to time.

He said, all too often people don’t know what I do but are quick to tell me what I have done wrong! But then I know I need to understand why. Sound familiar?

Sometimes we need to step away from being the Pastor or Business Leader and become one of the followers and parishioners’ and go among them to hear their voices.


We need to walk in their shoes and really listen and feel what they feel. We need to understand that not everything is what we believe or want it to be.


Different lenses see different pictures and we need to understand and weave them into our tapestry in the work we do.

He said “I can’t remember a time when I got a call in the middle of the night from someone saying they had had a great day? It was often something more pressing.”

We all need to give appreciation.

There are often times in the work we do in each of our businesses that means being a leader is all consuming. Who listens in your world, and who cares?

Everyone needs a “trusted someone” to speak to. We also need to remember that a business is a community and is more than a building.


The pastor said that he “needed time to contemplate the sacred relationship he had with his Church”.

He did not question his faith, what he needed to understand was how he could be the best pastor he could ever be and to use his talents in the best way he could:


To serve those who had entrusted their faith in him.


Does your leader reflect on his/her impact and focus on you?


The work of a Pastor is 24-7 there is little time for self and who does a Pastor go to, here on earth, when that lonely moment comes for self reflection and self doubt?

We all get to a point that we get weary and down and need the courage to see it and then do something to re-energize:


So that once again we like the work we love.

He posed the question: “How do you prepare good people to become the best versions of themselves?”

Leadership is not about self. It’s about creating leaders out of every single follower.

He posed the observation:

That the discontented people in this world are those who are not happy with what they have. Those that are really happy are those who have given of themselves for others.

The power to serve comes from within the faith that you have.


The pastor had taken ownership of who he is and recognized the need to do something!

He recognized that to take care of others he needed to be whole himself.

During his time of contemplation he visited seven different churches on seven different Sundays. He had attended as a parishioner and he had found that being a follower teaches us many lessons, like:

We all need to walk among our followers, as often as we can and really listen and people are not very different wherever you go.

A church like our own business is not a building. It’s the people within that are the church and the congregation and the employees and are the ones we serve.


So our Pastor visited other churches and found that they all have issues, the solutions are within each one of us. Other churches are not better they are simply different.


The grass is only greener when you nurture it to be so. That’s what Leadership is all about.







Picture courtesy Prerna231 Group


Rezepte und Gesundheit

The Contrarian Emergency Manager

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Sara Rickover, Behind the Corporate Veil

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Northeastern Pennsylvania Veterans Multicare Alliance

Serving those who served in Northeastern PA


I've decided to pursue my passion in jewellery designs since I love femininity and all things beautiful and sparkly, well almost all. I'm a proud mother to two gorgeous and amazing girls. I recently left the corporate world, went through a tragic loss and relationship breakdown yet I'm here alive and still very much wanting to pursue my dreams and maintain a state of happiness. This site opens up a new world for me to share and if I'm really privileged connect with with others. News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.

The Organic Leadership Blog

Thoughts During My Leadership Journey


Technology business matchmaking

The Whiteboard

New Zealand Recruitment Industry news, views and commentary from Rice Consulting

The Recruiters Little Black Book

News and views from the world of employment

HR Schoolhouse

Time to take your desks; school is in session

Recruiter's Couch

Because everyone is a candidate sometime


Inspiring Leaders to empower others

Engage Yourself with