Category Archives: General

A Community “Developing a oneness and a calmness”

It seems that much of what we do, is related to who we know, what we learned, our interests, who our mentors were along the way, the trials and tribulations, our loves, they are all some how related and develop who we are.

After all the life we lead is the life we make.

The friendships we have experienced lead us to develop awareness and learning they also breathe life into how we go about doing what we do.

I am always sad when I hear people say that they leave their personality behind when they go to work. Alas it seems that is life. What is character when we have to have two masks?

I look at life as a community, being authentic and mindful of others needs is what we do, or should do, it defines us.

As I look at the new “decade” I look to sharing knowledge, paying forward and simply serving. A pretty old concept but not one that is followed much

After all life is not about us, its about what we do, who we are – character

So, often when I reflect and ask, when I am long gone, how will I be remembered? Who will be there to cry at my side when I leave this world?

Sobering thought maybe, but a great way to ground what we do and, make us think of what really matters in our lives.

True contentment can only be achieved when heart, mind body and soul join together.

So looking forward it’s a life of serving others and helping them reach their greatest heights.

We all have gifts to give, it is a lesser world should we not share them. It’s a lesser world when we don’t cherish those that are dearest to us.

It’s a lesser world when we simply don’t give of ourselves to the fullest.


Where have all the values gone?

Idea adapted by HRMexplorer from where have all the flowers gone – words and music by Pete Seeger


I was mulling this thought over recently as I overheard a couple of friends talking about what was happening to them and their friends in the factory in which they worked, they were simply disillusioned, they had lost their jobs and their boss had gone on vacation!

I got to thinking that in a world where people need people more than at any time in history I started wondering how are we connecting, I mean really connecting with each other in the communities in which we live, play and work?


Seems like there is a problem going on when I see values floating by those that need to feel them!

Where have all the values gone, I mean would you really work for the CEOs who fly in on their Jets and then say, the factory’s got to go its costing us too much, but when quizzed they say their bonus is contractual.

Or would you rather work for the boss who goes undercover and cries with you and admits that they need to do more, and rallies everyone and proclaims together we will create something special. Together we will create the American Dream.

Where have all the Values gone seem like everyone picks them everyone, because it’s the right thing to say and do? And then chooses when and how to use them. When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? ……..

That the shadow they cast is not special when it changes from halo to horrible from magical to mean. And that the shadow they cast melts into meaninglessness when it flutters in the wind and disappears like sand in the wind.

Where have all the values gone and when did we stop asking others what is important to them and caring and supporting them when we know.

Values without meaning have no character at all. Values without consistency simply does not get it!

So lets create the values-revolution! The charter that we must all adhere to:

  1. Get connected and stay connected with those around you- it makes a difference

(Michael Stallard)

  1. Support each other in three ways
    1. Relationships with others (engagement care)
    2. Relationships with your family (family care)
    3. Relationship with yourself (self care)

It’s all about relationships it always was after all relationships without values is like afternoon tea without lemon!

And remember to treat others how they want to be treated and that character is built through reversing the golden rule, not treating people how you want to be treated

HRMexplorer’s Blog Site

I now have my own blog site, and sometimes with a glass of wine!

Thanks to watching Julie and Julia… I know a chick flick I got the inspiration to do my own blog site!!! It has taken me a while and prompting from a few tweeter pals!! Thanks to everyone you have made it fun to get with the social media world!

Cannot guarantee I will speak about French cooking, but who knows from time to time a nice glass  of wine while blogging might be inspirational

So a new world has opened for me and I hope one that can be entertaining and educational and from time to time provocative. After all who wants to live in a sleepy world?

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!


Rezepte und Gesundheit

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Sara Rickover, Behind the Corporate Veil

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Northeastern Pennsylvania Veterans Multicare Alliance

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I've decided to pursue my passion in jewellery designs since I love femininity and all things beautiful and sparkly, well almost all. I'm a proud mother to two gorgeous and amazing girls. I recently left the corporate world, went through a tragic loss and relationship breakdown yet I'm here alive and still very much wanting to pursue my dreams and maintain a state of happiness. This site opens up a new world for me to share and if I'm really privileged connect with with others. News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.

The Organic Leadership Blog

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The Whiteboard

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The Recruiters Little Black Book

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HR Schoolhouse

Time to take your desks; school is in session

Recruiter's Couch

Because everyone is a candidate sometime


Inspiring Leaders to empower others

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