Dogs for hire!

The message is simple and clear to all of us who have dogs. They have qualities we could all do well to think about!



  1. They give unconditional love, even when they are being yelled at after a long day in the office.
  2. They are great listeners and don’t talk back. Oh their soft eyes when they give you that woeful look!
  3. They are great therapists and calm tense situations. Just bring your dogs to the workplace and the office is transformed.
  4. They are adaptable, they can do tricks (that we adults have fun with!), they can roll over, shake hands, dance on their toes and even go to work in hospitals as therapy dogs, or carry out chores by fetching slippers and newspapers.
  5. They are soft and cuddly and make great warming blankets and snuggies.
  6. They bring people together young and old, and they bring laughter and fun.
  7. They will sit at the door waiting to go for a walk or to go pottie. No yelling or screaming, maybe a simple whimper and a gentle nudge.
  8. They don’t ask for much in return and are always willing to please.
  9. They are sometimes called to do dangerous work alongside our troops and uniformed officers. Some even die in the call of duty for their country.
  10. They become and remain life long friends and companions.

So what does all this mean?

It means true loyalty and unconditional giving and servant ship and lifelong friendship. A desire to please and belong!

Not so bad really huh!

The picture! Oh that is our little Sophie our wonderful Aussiedoodle

About HRMexplorer

Managing Director - Human Capital Europe and USA - My ability is to recognize ingrained assumptions and patterns of operation that aren’t productive, and offer practical, cost-effective and value-based solutions.

Posted on November 3, 2010, in HRMexplorer Blogs. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. My dogs get me through the rough spots of my life. I would not be without them!

  2. As the owner of a German Shepherd who is now 6, I now understand all of these dog things. Teddy has changed our lives being the first dog for all of us. He’s taught us about dogs and been my constant companion as the rest of the family goes their separate work ways. He is the greeter for every face-to-face client that comes to the door and I am amazed at how many dog people there are out there. Thanks for reminding me.

  3. Listening to the news this morning, they ask “what is the one thing that always makes you happy”? Well, that was easy, coming home and being greeted by Sophie & Scottie (our puppies). They are so excited to see me! It will instantly make me smile :).
    Great blog!

  4. I appreciate a fellow dog lover. We consider our dog a member of our family and couldn’t imagine life without him. And he would certainly consider himself an equal member of the family, probably even the #1 family member (which he often is!). In reference to #3 – does this mean I can bring my yellow lab to the UW office? Just kidding!

  5. Very Cool! Thank you.

    I rather get be greeted in the morning by a warm muzzle, than a noisy alarm clock.

    Cute photo!


  6. They also provide companionship to folks who live alone. They motivate both of our 80 year old mothers to get moving in the morning because their respective dogs “have to go outside to do their business”! They provide a second pair of ears from my Mom, who’s hearing is nearly gone. Our Mom’s know their dogs depend on them, and everyone needs to feel needed.

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