Blog Archives

Truth or Secret!

As a blogger I am fortunate to have a number of folks’ who talk to me about what I write. This is one of their stories.

This blog may well reach out to many of us who have had those moments when we had to decide Truth or Secret. This may be YOUR STORY TOO…

  • Which can you cope with?
  • What do you REALLY want to KNOW?
  • If we knew could we ever FORGET?
  • If we knew could we ever FORGIVE?
  • Would it make us STRONGER?
  • Would it make us WEAKER?
  • Would it destroy who we ARE?
  • Would it define our CHARCTER for BETTER or WORSE?

Life has given all of us this CROSS ROAD and yet many of us HIDE truth and SECRET away for it is easier not to DEAL with REALITY.

Sometimes, we believe that not knowing is better than dealing with the the REALITY of TRUTH.

And yet…… those who don’t want to know will always remember… LINGERING DOUBTS LAST A LIFE TIME….

Do we REALLY believe that not KNOWING is the coping mechanism of LIFE?

Sometimes TRUTH is to damn HARD to cope with and too HURTFUL that we may never RETURN to who we ARE.

Sometimes the SECRET we keep is all the TRUTH we need and KNOW that the TWISTS and BENDS of life MAKES us WHO WE ARE!

The TRUTH is we all HAVE SECRETS the question is has HOW DID IT MAKE US BETTER PEOPLE…. Did it BUILD us or DIMINISH us?

Dedicated to all those who went through that dark tunnel! Thanks for sharing the journey.

Forget the golden rule! It doesn’t work

treatothersasHow often do we hear people say treat others like you want to be treated?

It is simply wrong! I remember when I worked in a hospital, nurses getting into trouble because of they way they treated patients.

They were and are good nurses; the problem was that their standard of service is not what the patient WANTED.

When I sat down and reviewed the scenarios it was clear that this old and well-used rule simply does not work if it ever really did.

The golden rule means that you don’t even have to ask the other person how they want to be treated. You assume they are like you and that we know is not true.

Break the golden rule and throw it away. We have to treat people like THEY want to be treated.

The biggest difference?

The golden rule means we don’t even have to ask the other person! When we develop relationships and customer service we find out that it is in the asking that people really feel special.


picture courtesy of


Teach not Preach!

TeachLearnBlocks1How often do we hear that? Often I bet.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is saying that we are in danger of the next generation not going to church and for sure Church’s are emptier.

So why is that?

What can we learn?

Is the old way of preaching simply not effective?

Was it ever an everlasting way to change behavior?

Remember the days at school when kids had to memorize lines? How much did they REALLY UNDERSTAND?

Looking to today’s generation we learn that they do not want to be told!

They have their own way of learning the preaching is done.

They don’t want instruction they want to feel and experience the changes for themselves.

They are also community minded.

We need to keep in touch with their version of saving the world.

They don’t want to be preached too, they want to be part of the conversation.

They want to be asked! They want to be involved and have a voice!

Now hard is that?

Fire and brimstone is long gone education was always they way and we need to remind ourselves of that.


Picture courtesy if Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada

Preparing to live, or preparing to die

faithOctober was a rough month for our family; the news that our younger sister’s husband (age 50) has lung cancer was a stark reminder that life is precious and not ours to squander.

Just saying the C word is scary, now our family like many is going to face the C word.

This young man, never sick a day of his life, was told he has lung cancer and the diagnosis is dim.

Facing, doctor appointments, tests, surgery, and preparing to perhaps never working again.  The odds are against him.  Never to see a grandchild puts things into perspective.

For me, something told me when he got sick; do not ignore the signs, and then something told me to have faith. I sent my younger sister a book “Believe” was the title.  She told me in the hospital, as we waited for her husband in surgery, “I tried to read it, and I would start crying, I never got through it.”

Her high school sweet heart, friend, husband, a father, my sister was preparing for the worse.

Their reverend met with them several times, (discussing his last will and testament) their friends stopped by to show support, and family came, we are all committed to help in any way.

The day came, our family, his children, his brother, friends, and relatives, sat, paced, and watched the screen in the waiting room for hours.  Can you imagine what goes through your mind waiting for a doctor or nurse to come talk to you, it was brutal!

The hospitals I think believe that those screens showing progress are helpful but as the hours flow by I am not so sure. God please thank those physicians who spend ours without break doing major surgery.

All I could think about the previous Sunday morning, watching Joel Osteen broadcast:  Faith, not Fear.  He said:

Your situation may look impossible, but don’t ever rule out the favor of God.”  I believed we were in Gods favor that day. 

The doctor came to the waiting room, straight out of surgery to deliver the message, we all gathered to hear the news.

My younger sister with tears streaming down her face, so scared, his children gripping their hands together stood with no facial expressions.  We all heard the words, the surgery went well, we did take one lung, due to infection and we believe the cancer was contained.

Our heavy hearts were finally lightened.

Today, my brother-in-law is doing great, recovering slowly, but progressing everyday!  I can’t explain why he was in God’s favor that day, but I am very thankful he was.

My brother in law is also a carpenter. We have hope and faith that he will have many years ahead of him.


Sister Mae I

Take what you learned in life


Use the talent you were given to develop the talent in others

Do something that inspires those around you

Tell stories that develop children into wonderful people

Teach others that faith conquers fear

Use the wisdom you have to build energy in everything you do

Use the skills you have to build communities

Know that the love you share fills the hearts of others

Share knowledge to develop goodness

Use your heart and mind to assume innocence

Use what you have learned all of your life to nurture and care the life you have left


Know that your life is blessed when you do something for those less advantaged






Rezepte und Gesundheit

The Contrarian Emergency Manager

News, concepts, and opinions on emergency management and homeland security topics

Sara Rickover, Behind the Corporate Veil

A blog about management, law, mediation and writing, by someone who has done them all

Northeastern Pennsylvania Veterans Multicare Alliance

Serving those who served in Northeastern PA


I've decided to pursue my passion in jewellery designs since I love femininity and all things beautiful and sparkly, well almost all. I'm a proud mother to two gorgeous and amazing girls. I recently left the corporate world, went through a tragic loss and relationship breakdown yet I'm here alive and still very much wanting to pursue my dreams and maintain a state of happiness. This site opens up a new world for me to share and if I'm really privileged connect with with others. News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.

The Organic Leadership Blog

Thoughts During My Leadership Journey


Technology business matchmaking

The Whiteboard

New Zealand Recruitment Industry news, views and commentary from Rice Consulting

The Recruiters Little Black Book

News and views from the world of employment

HR Schoolhouse

Time to take your desks; school is in session

Recruiter's Couch

Because everyone is a candidate sometime


Inspiring Leaders to empower others

Engage Yourself with